Soloing at The Mother Church

This Sunday, September 1st, we have the distinguished honor of performing at The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. The solo will be Come To This Fountain, our arrangement of Mary Baker Eddy’s Communion Hymn.

As usual, the Sunday church service will be broadcast live online at 10am EST and we invite you to tune in or listen to the recording (which be available for the rest of the week).


  1. That’s great news. I won’t quite be there (arriving in Boston for the Wednesday meeting meeting that week!), but will check it out online. All the best to both of you!

  2. Awesome !! I look forward to hearing the solo via the Internet !!

  3. Can’t wait to see and hear you all!

  4. Paul Schmidt

    That’s awesome. Wish we could transport ourselves to the MC Sunday. Is Gail going to be there? Since we are all at the beach in Pacific City we’ll catch you on our Macs.

  5. Clarence Bray

    I know many will be blessed through your music.
    Love, Clarence

  6. Mighty early on the West Coast, but I will be listening. Proud of your musical accomplishments. The world will be listening.

  7. It is such a beautiful arrangement. So pleased that you get to share it in Boston and around the internet world. You bet I will be listening from McCall, ID, looking out over the lake, aspen and pines. Thank you for your musical ministry.

  8. Can’t wait!

  9. So excited for you both — and for TMC folks! Have a wonderful time sharing your beautiful music!

  10. I just listened online to this lovely solo by Tessa and Jay, sung at the Mother Church, from my home in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Bravo for a new presentation of this beloved hymn.

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